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Enlarged Spleen and Liver

Hepatosplenomegaly, or enlarged spleen and liver, is a common condition associated with several diseases and disorders, ranging from fever to cancer.

In medical science, the health condition characterized by enlarged liver, owing to infection, metabolic disorder or direct toxicity, is known as hepatomegaly, while the health disorder characterized by enlargement of spleen, due to any disease which triggers red blood cell destruction in the spleen, is known as splenomegaly. At times, both the conditions, i.e. enlargement of liver and spleen, occur simultaneously. This health condition, predominantly characterized by enlargement of both the organs at the same time, is referred to as hepatosplenomegaly, or enlarged spleen and liver disease.

Enlarged Spleen and Liver Causes:

Hepatosplenomegaly, aka enlarged spleen and liver, is considered to be more of a symptom than a disorder. This condition can be caused due to numerous diseases and disorders. Most often, it is attributed to diseases which cause harm to the kidney, liver or the red blood cells in the body. Although it is difficult to memorize all the causes of enlarged spleen and liver, there are some common disorders that cause hepatosplenomegaly. These causes include viral liver infection such as chronichepatitis C, cirrhosis of the liver owing to excessive alcohol consumption, typhoid caused due to contaminated water, infection of kidney and liver, and leukemia etc.

In fact, in case of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other such cancers, the enlargement continues as cancer progresses, which can trigger tremendous pain in the patient. Genetic disorders, such as sickle cell anemia is also known to be a cause of enlargement of spleen and liver. The juvenile form of Gaucher's disease, known as Type 3, is the most prominent cause of enlarged spleen and liver in children. Read more on enlarged spleen in children.
An enlarged liver and an enlarged spleen, also referred to as hepatosplenomegaly, is a condition in which both the liver and spleen become enlarged. This condition is actually a symptom and can be caused by more than a thousand different diseases, disorders and conditions. Many of the causes of an enlarged liver and spleen are not very popular, but there are some common causes.

Chronic Hepatitis C

  1. Chronic hepatitis C can cause an enlarged liver and spleen. Hepatitis C is transmitted by infected blood and is defined as a viral liver infection. Hepatitis C can cause several symptoms, but many of these symptoms are directly related to the spleen and liver problems caused by the disease. These symptoms include yellowing of the skin and eyes, abdominal pain, fever and dark urine.

Cirrhosis of the Liver

  1. Cirrhosis of the liver can cause an enlarged liver and spleen. Cirrhosis of the liver can be caused by a number of things including excessive alcohol consumption, viral hepatitis and certain genetic diseases. When cirrhosis of the liver occurs normal, healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue. When the scar tissue begins to take over, the liver will not be able to function properly due to blocked blood flow. Cirrhosis of the liver has many symptoms, but many of these symptoms are directly related to the spleen and liver problems caused by this disease. These symptoms include stomach problems, loss of appetite, swollen ankles, yellow eyes and skin, abdominal swelling, dark urine and fluid retention.


  1. Leukemia can cause an enlarged liver and spleen. Leukemia is a type of cancer that occurs in the blood cells. In most cases, it affects the white blood cells. In addition to the liver and spleen becoming enlarged, they can also become tender in leukemia patients. Other kidney and liver ailments such as infections can occur as well.

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

  1. Non-hodgkins lymphoma can cause an enlarged liver and spleen. Non-hodgkins lymphoma is a type of cancer called lymphoma that affects the lymphatic system and the body's lymph nodes. Because the liver and spleen can become enlarged as the cancer progresses, pain can result. Kidney and liver infections may also occur in the later stages of the disease.

Sickle Cell Anemia

  • Sickle cell anemia can cause an enlarged liver and spleen. Sickle cell anemia is a form of anemia resulting from a genetic disease. This disease causes the red blood cells to form improperly. Because this disease can cause an enlarged liver and spleen, other symptoms associated with the liver and spleen can occur. These symptoms include yellow eyes and skin and abdominal pain.
Enlarged Spleen and Liver Diagnosis:

Hepatosplenomegaly, being a symptom of various disorders in itself, is very difficult to diagnose. However, there do exist some enlarged spleen and liver symptoms which turn out to be help in determining the condition. These symptoms may include difficulty in eating large meals and/or moderate to excessive pain in the stomach. Going through a series of tests, such as X-rays, ultrasound, and liver biopsy can help in ascertaining whether the liver or spleen have really enlarged or not. Other than going through these tests, enlargement of spleen and liver can be determined by pressing on the belly. When you press right under the ribcage, you will find the spleen which will be extended if enlarged. On the other hand, if enlarged, the liver will be tender to touch.

 Saravana hospital homoeopathic treatment gives excellent cure for Enlarged liver & Enlarged spleen . please see the cured reports.


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